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Movies Currently Scheduled to Play
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The man... The music... The madness... The murder...
Playing at Hyland Cinema:
Jason is back, and this is the one you've been screaming for.
Playing at Hyland Cinema:
There are no limits. Satan's done waitin'. He'll tear your soul apart.
Playing at Hyland Cinema:
Consult your doctor! Bring your seat belts!
Playing at Hyland Cinema:
Two great lovers of the screen in the grandest of romantic comedies !
Now That The Book Has Been Opened... SHE Won’t Let You Close It!
Playing at Hyland Cinema:
Someone's Taken Their Love Of Scary Movies One Step Too Far!
Playing at Hyland Cinema:
Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire.
You bring the pizza....I'll bring the drill.
Playing at Hyland Cinema:
Who will survive and what will be left of them?
Playing at Hyland Cinema:
Audrey Hepburn, the role you're going to remember, whenever you're alone..
Movie Index
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